This series has eight easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The Importance of O’Connell.IntroductionScarcely less important in
Democracy Advanced in England
Today's installment concludes English Reform Bill of 1832 Passes,our selection from The Constitutional History of England snce the Accession of
Parliamentary Election in England
A triumphant body of reformers was returned, pledged to carry the Reform Bill.Continuing English Reform Bill of 1832 Passes,our selection from The
Duke of Wellington’s Big Blunder
His statement raised a storm, which swept away his government and destroyed his party.Continuing English Reform Bill of 1832 Passes,our selection
Tories Support Reform Bill
The measure of Catholic emancipation had recently been carried; and many of its opponents, of the Tory party, disgusted with their own leaders, by
English Reform Bill of 1832 Passes
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Early Efforts at Reform.IntroductionIn the history of democracies,
Nationalism from the Congress of Vienna
Today's installment concludes The Congress of Vienna 1814-15,our selection from Revolutionary Europe, 1789-1815 by Henry M. Stephens published in
Britain Pushes the Congress of Vienna to End Slave Trade
The other ambassadors could not understand why he troubled so much about what seemed to them a trivial matter.Continuing The Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna Reorganizes Switzerland and Italy
The Swiss Confederation as thus constituted was placed under the guarantee of the great powers and declared neutral forever.Continuing The Congress