The road over the mountains is a thing worth seeing, because, though the ground is so rugged, such beautiful roads could not in truth be found
Pizarro Ambushes Incan Emperor
The Emperor said, "I will not leave this place until you have restored all that you have taken in my land. I know well who you are and what you have
Pizarro Conquers the Incan Empire
This series has eight easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Conquistadors' Journey Into the Mountain Fastness.IntroductionOf
The First Assault on the Doomed City
As the Spaniards advanced, the Mexicans set up a fierce war-cry, and sent off clouds of arrows with their accustomed spirit, while the women and boys
Cortes Captures the Aztec Capital
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Amid the Ruins.IntroductionAs we pick up the story, Montezuma, the
Charlemagne’s End
Today's installment concludes Charlemagne,our selection from A Popular History of France from the EarliestTimes, Volume 1 by François P.G. Guizot
Science, Literature, and Charlemagne
He really loved sciences, literature, and such studies as were then possible, and he cultivated them on his own account and for his own
Charlemagne and His Intellectuals
Charlemagne had too much need of their services to fear their criticisms and they, on their part, were more anxious to second his efforts.Continuing
Charlemagne’s Laws
When an attempt is made to classify these laws according to their object, it is impossible not to be struck with their incoherent variety.Continuing