Today's installment concludes Magellan's Voyage Around the World,our selection from First Voyage Around the World by Joan Bautista and by Antonio
Seeking Provisions
At this the crews were set at rest, and he promised them that he would give them their cargo by December 15, 1521, which he fulfilled within the said
Through the East Indies
For the answer thus received from the King they sent him a present by Gonzalo Mendes Despinosa, captain of the ship Victoria, and the King accepted
On to Borneo
Sailing to the west-southwest a matter of fourteen leagues, they fell in with a white bottom, which was a shoal below the water; and the black men
Magellan Killed
Ferdinand Magellan ordered three boats to be equipped with a matter of fifty or sixty men, and went against the said place, which was on April 28th in
Around South America Into the Pacific
After this they entered into the channel, which at some places had a width of three leagues, and two, and one, and in some places half a league, and
Magellan’s Voyage Around the World
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Down the Atlantic.IntroductionFerdinand Magellan, whose name in
Capital Punishment and the Spanish Inquisition
Today's installment concludes Spanish Inquisition Established,the name of our combined selection from William H. Rule and James Balmes. The
Papal Role in the Spanish Inquisition
The history of the Inquisition at that time is full of contests between the kings and popes; and we constantly find, on the part of the holy see, a