The Governor immediately ordered the cavalry to charge the enemy, and the wild bulls to be at the same time let loose upon them.Continuing
Morgan’s Buccaneers Reaches Pacific Coast
At this sight, which announced the speedy termination of their miseries, they were transported with joy.Continuing Buccaneers Sack Panama,our
Morgan’s Buccaneers Get Desperate
On the following day the freebooters made still less progress; want of food had totally exhausted them, and they were frequently obliged to
March on Panama City
At length, on January 18th, he commenced his march toward Panama, with a chosen body of freebooters, who were thirteen hundred strong.Continuing
Assault on Fort Saint Laurent
From that moment they determined to carry the fort or die to a man upon the spot.Continuing Buccaneers Sack Panama,our selection from History of
Buccaneers Sack Panama
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Plan of Attack.IntroductionThe pirates of the Caribbean prospered most
Spanish Takes Control
These being hoisted, the trumpets proclaimed the victory, and the band of soldiers who had entered opened the gates and sought the quarters, leaving
The Spanish Enter the Gate
At dawn, the Frenchman recognized the country, and the place where they were, and where stood the fort.Continuing Spain's First Settlements in
Spanish Decides to Remove French from Florida
Menendez had ascertained from the Indians that a large number of the French troops had embarked on board of the vessels which he had seen off the