Today's installment concludes Siege of Missolonghi,our selection from History of Greece from the Conquest by the Romans to the Present Times by
Missolonghi Defenders Attempt Breakout
Had it not been for the information given by the traitor, the greater part of the defenders of Missolonghi would have escaped.Continuing Siege of
Attack on Clissova Island
The only post in the lagoon of which the Greeks held possession was the small islet of Clissova, about a mile from Missolonghi, to the
Both Naval and Land Warfare at Missolonghi
A series of naval engagements then took place, in which the Turks baffled all the attempts of the Greeks to cut off their straggling ships and capture
Missolonghi Invested by Sea and Land
The command of the lagoons was of vital importance to the besieged.Continuing Siege of Missolonghi,our selection from History of Greece from the
The Second Siege of Missolonghi
This series has six easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Greek Patriotism Motivates Defenders.IntroductionIn 1822-1823