The first act of Viele was a blunder. He told the Onondagas that the English governor was master of their country; and that, as they were subjects of
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 6
Viele set out for the Iroquois capital, and thither we will follow him.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in Canada
Le Febvre de la Barre Succeeds Frontenac
Thus, the Illinois, with the few Frenchmen who had tried to defend them, were left to perish; and, in return, a brief and doubtful respite was gained
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 5
This movement of the western Iroquois had a double incentive, their love of fighting and their love of gain. It was a war of conquest and of
Louis XIV Loses Patience
The disputes of the rival factions spread through all Canada. The most heinous offence in the eyes of the court with which each charged the other was
Frontenac Versus Duchesneau
Having given the principal charges of Duchesneau against Frontenac, it is time to give those of Frontenac against Duchesneau.Our special project
Disputes in the Council
The violence of Frontenac’s resentments and antipathies overcame the very slender share of prudence with which nature had endowed him.Our
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 4
It is no longer necessary for me to enter into particulars, which could only serve to show you that you are completely in the wrong."Our special
Frontenac and Fenelon
Among the priests of St. Sulpice at Montreal was the Abbé Salignac de Fénelon, half-brother of the celebrated author of Télémaque. He was a zealous