The triumphant success of his three war-parties produced on the Canadian people all the effect that Frontenac had expected.Our special project
Capture of Salmon Falls
The crowning event of the war was the capture of Pemaquid, a stockade work, mounted with seven or eight cannon.Our special project presenting
French Raid New England
New England needed no prompting to take up arms; for she presently learned to her cost that, though feeble and prostrate, Canada could sting.Our
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 11
He formed three war-parties of picked men, one at Montreal, one at Three Rivers, and one at Quebec; the first to strike at Albany, the second at the
Cruel Policy of the French
The fate of the Iroquois prisoner now became the point at issue. The French hoped that the Indians in their excitement could be induced to put him to
The Iroquois in Council
"Ourehaoué sends you this," continued Cut Nose, presenting another belt of wampum: "by it he advises you to listen to Onontio, if you wish to
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 10
Count Frontenac stood before him. Since his recall, he had lived at court, needy and no longer in favor; but he had influential friends, and an
Denonville Recalled
Concealed by the tempest and the darkness, fifteen hundred warriors landed at La Chine, and silently posted themselves about the houses of the
Hurons Thwart Peace Treaty
For them peace between the French and the Iroquois would be a signal of destruction, since Denonville could not or would not protect his