The chief objects of the late governor were gained. The power of the Iroquois was so far broken that they were never again very formidable to the
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 21
Peace with the Iroquois was made. "I bury the hatchet," said Callières, "in a deep hole, and over the hole I place a great rock, and over the rock I
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 20
He was greatly beloved by the humbler classes, who, days before his death, beset the château, praising and lamenting him. Many of higher station
Peace of Ryswick Reaches Canada
Frontenac called on his guests to drink the health of King William. Schuyler, the New York represented replied by a toast in honor of King
Frontenac Attacks the Onondagas
Onondaga, formerly an open town, had been fortified by the English, who had enclosed it with a double range of strong palisades.Our special
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 19
A successful campaign was now doubly necessary to the governor, for by this alone could he hope to avert the consequences of his audacity.Our
Fatal Policy of the French King
France, like England, might have been great in two hemispheres, if she had placed herself in accord with freedom, instead of opposing it but despotism
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 18
No Canadian, under the French rule, stands in a more conspicuous or more deserved eminence than Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville.Our special project
Projected Attack on Boston
Notice of the proposed expedition had reached Frontenac in the spring; and he began at once to collect men, canoes, and supplies for the long and