It was neither imposing nor promising but he persisted.Previously in The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century.Our special
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapters 2 and 3
The Jesuits were and are everywhere. Today a Jesuit is even Pope (Francis). Parkman would not have been surprised.Previously in The Jesuits in North
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 1
The close, black cassock, the rosary hanging from the waist, and the wide, black hat, looped up at the sides, proclaimed the Jesuit, -- Father Le
Importance of Native American Clan Structure
Through most of North America the structure of the clan formed the basis of their societies. This passage is about Native American clan
Daily Life of the Huron Indians
More than 3 and 1/2 centuries have elapsed since the Huron Indians vanished from their ancient seats. Today we stand perplexed and wondering over the
Parkman Volume 2: The Jesuits in North America in the 17th Century
Beginning the new book in Francis Parkman's history of the French in North America. Today's installment: The Indians of Canada.Previously in The