Today's installment concludes Alexander the Great Wins Battle of Gaugamela,our selection from Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World by Sir Edward
Darius Launches the Chariots
These formidable vehicles were accordingly sent rattling across the plain, against the Macedonian line.Continuing Alexander the Great Wins Battle of
Alexander Deploys His Army
Great reliance had been placed by the Persian King on the effects of the scythe-bearing chariots.Continuing Alexander the Great Wins Battle of
How the Persian Army Was Deployed
The written order of battle which Darius himself caused to be drawn up fell into the hands of the Macedonians after the engagement.Continuing
The Greek Phalanx Under Alexander
Under Alexander the phalanx consisted of an aggregate of eighteen thousand men, who were divided into six brigades of three thousand each.Continuing
The Two Armies
In studying the campaigns of Alexander, we possess the peculiar advantage of deriving our information from two of Alexander's generals, who bore an
Persian Emperor Chooses Battlefield
Darius chose a place calculated to give the larger of two armies the full advantage of numerical superiority.Continuing Alexander the Great Wins
The Enduring Importance of Alexander’s Conquests
Throughout Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt the Hellenic character that was thus imparted remained in full vigor down to the time of the Muslim
Alexander the Great Wins Battle of Gaugamela
This series has nine easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: A Class of Babblers, A School for Lies and Scandal.IntroductionWhen