The specific atrocity of such spectacles -- unknown to the earlier ages which they called barbarous -- was due to the cold-blooded selfishness, the
Nero Persecutes the Christians – 3
And, indeed, when once the Christians were pointed out to the popular vengeance, many reasons would be adduced to prove their connection with the
Nero Persecutes the Christians – 2
But the haughty historian throws no light on one difficulty -- namely, the circumstances which led to the Christians being thus singled
Nero Persecutes the Christians
This series has easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionDown to the reign of Nero Christians in the Roman Empire were regarded by the ruling
Venice Founded – 7
Today's installment concludes Venice Founded,the name of our combined selection from Thomas Hodgkin and John Ruskin. The concluding installment, by
Venice Founded – 5
As the boat drew nearer to the city, the coast which the traveler had just left sank behind him into one long, low, sad-colored line, tufted
Venice Founded – 4
The dim religious light, half revealing the slowly gathered glories of St. Mark's; the Ducal Palace, that history in stone; the Rialto, with the
Venice Founded – 3
For our present purpose and as a worker out of Venetian history, Po, notwithstanding the far greater volume of his waters, is of less importance than
Venice Founded – 2
And all these gifts of will, of intellect and of soul were employed by Leo with undeviating constancy, with untired energy, in furthering his great