Today's installment concludes Arianism and the First Nicene Council,the name of our combined selection by Johann L. Von Mosheim and Arthur P.
Arianism and the First Nicene Council – 6
And now come two, who in the common pictures of the council always appear together, of whom the one probably left the deepest impression on his
Arianism and the First Nicene Council – 5
From Neocæsarea, a border fortress on the Euphrates, came its confessor bishop, Paul, who, like Paphnutius and Potammon, had suffered in the
Arianism and the First Nicene Council – 4
But close beside the pope Alexander is a small insignificant young man, of hardly twenty-five years of age, of lively manners and speech and of
Arianism and the First Nicene Council – 3
In the fifth century the Arians, oppressed and persecuted by the imperial edicts, took refuge among those barbarous nations who gradually overturned
Arianism and the First Nicene Council – 2
On the death of Constantius, in the year 362, the prosperous days of the Arians were at an end.Continuing Arianism and the First Nicene
Arianism and the First Nicene Council
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionControversies in the Christian Church concerning the mystery of the Trinity began
Early Career of Julian the Apostate – 7
Today's installment concludes Early Career of Julian the Apostate,our selection by Edward Gibbon.If you have journeyed through all of the
Early Career of Julian the Apostate – 6
The hopes of Julian depended much less on the number of his troops than on the celerity of his motions.Continuing Early Career of Julian the