On their approach, the king of the Huns immediately raised the siege, and sounded a retreat.Continuing Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman – 6
Some maneuvering appears to have occurred before the engagement, in which Aetius had the advantage.Continuing Attila the Hun Invades the Western
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman – 5
Having thus conquered the eastern part of France, Attila prepared for an invasion of the West-Gothic territories beyond the Loire.Continuing Attila
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman – 4
It is obvious enough why he styled himself "By the Grace of God, King of the Huns and Goths," and it seems far from difficult to see why he added the
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman – 3
Attila's fame has not come down to us through the partial and suspicious medium of chroniclers and poets of his own race.Continuing Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman – 2
By the middle of the fifth century Germanic nations had settled themselves in many of the fairest regions of the Roman Empire.Continuing Attila the
Attila the Hun Invades the Western Roman Empire
This series has eight easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionAfter Attila had conquered and laid waste the provinces of the Eastern Empire south
Huns Invade the Eastern Roman Empire – 10
Today's installment concludes Attila the Hun Invades the Eastern Roman Empire,our selection by Edward Gibbon.If you have journeyed through all
Huns Invade the Eastern Roman Empire – 9
Two lines of small tables, each of which contained three or four guests, were ranged in order on either hand; the right was esteemed the most