In that epoch the persecutors of Christianity were not Romans; they were orthodox Jews.Today we continue Christianity Appearswith a selection from
Opposition to Christians Begin
Outrages proceeded chiefly from the Sadducees, that is to say, from the upper clergy, who crowded the Temple and derived from it immense
Nascent Clergy Begins
The Christian communism had religion for a basis, while modern socialism has nothing of the kind.Today we continue Christianity Appearswith a
Second Generation of Christians
The men, the most celebrated of the apostolic century, were almost all gained over to the cause in two or three years, by a sort of simultaneous
A Community Apart
The Book of Psalms was in a measure the calyx from which the Christian bee sucked its first juice.Today we continue Christianity Appearswith a
Christian Governance
Peter had among the apostles a certain precedence, derived directly from his zeal and his activity.Today we continue Christianity Appearswith a
Judas Replaced
Till about the year 60 the apostles did not leave the holy city except upon temporary missions. This explains the obscurity in which the majority of
Jerusalem Community Waits
The dominant idea in the Christian community, at the moment at which we are now arrived, was the coming of the Holy Spirit.Today we continue
Christianity Appears
This series has twenty-six easy five minute installments. This first installment: Just After Jesus Died.In grouping the glowing words of Renan,