In such manner did the company gain at last a certain foothold in the Mogul empire. The factors stationed at the new post reported that Surat was the
Portuguese Competition
Placing his Red Dragon between the Portuguese admiral and vice-admiral, the company's commander gave orders to the gunners, and the battle commenced
Adventurer Quarrels
There seems to have been a surfeit of these internecine brawls for some time to come, and, indeed, stories of dissensions among the servants of the
Provisional Government Proclaims Republic
Today's installment concludes Portugal's 1910 Revolution,our selection from Portugal by William Archer.If you have journeyed through all of the
King Flees Country
He stepped into his motor-car, set off for Cintra and Mafra, and is henceforth out of the saga.Continuing Portugal's 1910 Revolution,our selection
Revolution Begins
There was no particular strategy in the revolutionary plans, and what strategy there was fell to pieces at an early point.Continuing Portugal's 1910
Manuel Coronated King
Had he possessed strong intelligence and character, or had he fallen into the hands of really able advisers, it is possible that the revulsion of
Administrative Dictatorship Decreed
Franco dissolved the Cortes, and on May 10, 1907, published a decree declaring the "administration to be a dictatorship."Continuing Portugal's 1910
Short History of Portugal
What are the main sources of Portugal's pride? They are two: her national independence and her achievements in discovery and colonization.Continuing