Two of the ships were taken; but the other, which Phormus, an Athenian, commanded, in its flight ran ashore.Continuing The Battle of
The Battle of Thermopylae
This series has six easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionThe invasion of Greece by Xerxes is the subject of the great history written in nine
Alexander the Great Reduces Tyre – 3
Today's installment concludes Alexander the Great Reduces Tyre,our selection by Oliver Goldsmith.If you have journeyed through all of the
Alexander the Great Reduces Tyre – 2
Two such disasters, following so closely on the heels of each other, would have cooled the ardor of any man except Alexander.Continuing Alexander
Alexander the Great Reduces Tyre
This series has three easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionThe master spirit who could sigh for more worlds to conquer was at this time high