He sent for them, not because he wanted to make up his mind, but because it was made up, and he wished at once to impart to them his purposes and
Deciding on How to Attack New Orleans
Wait for the forts to fall or of speed by them to destroy the resources upon which they depended?Continuing Farragut Captures New Orleans,our
Preliminary Operations Before New Orleans
While these various accessory operations were going on, Admiral Farragut's mind was occupied with the important question of carrying out the object of
Farragut Captures New Orleans
This series has thirteen easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Confederate Defenses of New Orleans.IntroductionThe geography of
Legacy of the Louisiana Purchase
Today's installment concludes The Louisiana Purchase,our selection from The Life of Thomas Jefferson by Henry S. Randall published in 1858. For
Agreement About Louisiana Reached
And let us not withhold from the Consul of France the credit which is due him for approaching and approving the proceedings of such a
Jefferson’s Diplomacy Impresses Napoleon
And let us not withhold from the Consul of France the credit which is due him for approaching and approving the proceedings of such a
Power Politics and Louisiana
But the question was, in commercial phrase, would the contest “pay”? Was it worth while to wage a war with so distant a power while the marine of
Napoleon’s Intrigues About Louisiana
By the secrecy and duplicity practiced relative to this object, it is clear to me that they apprehend some opposition on the part of America to their