It happened, after some time, that a north wind began to blow with great force, and the ships of the Mongols, which lay near the shore of the island,
Mongol Armies Arrive in Japan
In the 5th moon of 1281 the Mongols raided us on a wholesale scale. Our troops were unsuccessful in resisting them at Iki and Tsushima.Continuing
Mongols Prepares to Invade Japan
The King of Korea meanwhile personally paid a visit to Peking, and gave the assurance that he was raising 30,000 extra soldiers to serve in the Japan
Japan Repels the Mongols
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Kublai Khan's Diplomatic Offensive to the Japanese.IntroductionKublai
Mongol’s Russian Horde Destroyed
Today's installment concludes Ivan The Great Unites Russia And Breaks The Tartar Yoke,our selection from History of Russia by Robert Bell published
The Khan Strikes Back
The settlement of his power in Novgorod had scarcely been concluded when intelligence was received that the Tartars of the Golden Horde were preparing
Novgorod Surrenders to Ivan
The veil was dropped too suddenly. The citizens were not prepared for so abrupt and uncompromising an assertion of authority.Continuing Ivan The
Ivan Undermines Novgorod
By artful insinuations of the personal advantages and general benefits that were to spring from the overthrow of Novgorod, he succeeded in
Kazan Conquered
Kazan presented the most alluring point of actual attack. The horde that had established that city subsisted by predatory excursions.Continuing Ivan