Today's installment concludes The Edict of Nantes Revoked,our selection from Histoire de France by Bon Louis Henri Martin published in 1836.If
Louis Doubles Down on His Policy
A million and a half of Frenchmen were in terror and despair; yet songs of victory resounded around Louis the Great.Continuing The Edict of Nantes
New Persecutions of Protestants
When the great harvest had been sufficiently gathered in the South and West, the reapers were sent elsewhere.Continuing The Edict of Nantes
Edict Labeled “Temporary Regulation”
. . . the Edict of Nantes" "remains useless, we have judged that we could not do better, in order wholly to efface the memory of evils that this false
Decision to Revoke Made
Who would henceforth dare to doubt his divine mission and his infallible genius!Continuing The Edict of Nantes Revoked,our selection from Histoire
Sending in the Troops
Terror flew before the soldiers; as soon as the scarlet uniforms and the high caps of the dragoons were descried, corporations, whole cities, sent
The Edict of Nantes Revoked
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Persecutions Lead up to Revocation.IntroductionThe Edict of Nantes of
Britain Makes Peace with The Netherlands
Today's installment concludes The Dutch Crisis 1672,our selection from History of Holland and the Dutch, 900 - 1799 by C.M. Davies.If you have
Dutch Beat Off Fleets of Britain and France
The Dutch, though far inferior in number, having only seventy-five vessels, convinced that this struggle was to be the most desperate and the last,