"With such skill and science," says Coxe, "had this enterprise been concerted that at the very moment when it assumed a specific direction the enemy
The Battle of Blenheim
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: France Aims for Dominance in Europe.IntroductionFrance under Louis XIV
Unbearably Wearisome Final Period of His Reign
. . . profligate extravagance, revolting cruelty, and tottering incapacity--is as fatiguing as it is uninstructive.Today's installment concludes
Building Versailles Palace
He was building Versailles: transplanting to its arid sands whole groves of full-grown trees from the depths of distant forests. . . ."Continuing
Bad Conseqences of the War
But Louis' mad career of triumph against the Dutch was gradually being brought to a close.Continuing Louis XIV Establishes Absolute Monarchy in
Take Their Goods and Burn Their Houses
The government was not plundered as it had been, but itself was exhausting the very springs of wealth by its impoverishment of the people.Continuing
The Remarkable Coincidence
Louis XIV's kingly power soared, single and supreme, over prostrate foes.Continuing Louis XIV Establishes Absolute Monarchy in France,our
Louis XIVs Reign’s Chief Interest
The government of France had become a machine depending upon the action of a single spring.Continuing Louis XIV Establishes Absolute Monarchy in
Louis XIV Establishes Absolute Monarchy in France
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: A Triumph of Commonplace Greatness.IntroductionFrance continued in