Today's installment concludes Daniel Boone Settles Kentucky,our selection from The Winning of the West, Vol. 1 by Theodore Roosevelt published in
When Kentucky Was “Transylvania”
The settlers revolted against its authority and appealed to Virginia.Continuing Daniel Boone Settles Kentucky,our selection from The Winning of
How the First Settlers in Kentucky Lived
They were scattered over large areas, and, as elsewhere in the southwest, the county and not the town became the governmental unit.Continuing Daniel
First Settlement in Kentucky
Had it not been for Boone and Henderson, it is most unlikely that the land would have been settled at all until after the Revolutionary war, when
On the Trail to Kentucky
Every man who has had the misfortune to drive a pack-train in thick timber, or along a bad trail, will appreciate keenly the following incident, which
A Dark and Bloody Ground
What Dragging Canoe said was true, and the whites were taught by years of long warfare that Kentucky was indeed what the Cherokees called it, a dark
Daniel Boone Settles Kentucky
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: An Island in the Wilderness.IntroductionBack when I (Jack Le Moine)