The emperor rejoiced. And on the 24th. day of the 9th. month he received Hime-tatara-i-suzu-hime no Mikoto and made her his wife.Today's installment
Psalms of the Emperor
It was in this campaign that the emperor, fully resolved on victory, made these verses, saying . . . .Continuing Japan's First Emperor,our
Emperor Trapped on a Mountain
All the places occupied by the enemy were strong positions, and therefore the roads were cut off and obstructed, so that there was no room for
March into the Interior
The emperor then endeavored to advance into the interior, but among the mountains it was so precipitous that there was no road by which they could
Royal Army Marches East
The emperor ordered the end of a pole of Shihi wood to be given to the fisher, and caused him to be taken and pulled into the imperial vessel, of
Earliest Japanese Rulers
I must take the liberty of accepting as sufficiently accurate as much of the recorded lives of Jimmu and his successors as the modern prosaic
Japan’s First Emperor
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Legendary Japan.IntroductionA story that covers Japan's first emperor