Such was the Battle of Monte Notte, the first of Bonaparte's victories; eminently displaying the truth and mathematical certainty of combination,
Napoleon Plans to Invade Italy
"Soldiers, you are hungry and naked; the Republic owes you much, but she has not the means to acquit herself of her debts."Continuing Napoleon's
Napoleon’s First Campaign
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Napoleon Takes Command.IntroductionThis story begins with a man newly
Effects of the Council of Trent
Today's installment concludes The Council of Trent and the Counter-Reformation,our selection by Adolphus W. Ward.If you have journeyed through
Traffic-jams Broken
Meanwhile the remaining decrees, both of doctrine and of discipline, were eagerly pushed on.Continuing The Council of Trent and the
Towards Unity or Division
Should the council pursue a goal of uniting with protestants or seeking a coherent body of doctrines and practices?Continuing The Council of Trent
Reform Goes Extreme
Of a sudden, as if in another gust of passion, he made a clean sweep of the obstacles which his own perversity had placed in his path, and then took
New Rulers in Charge
The pontificate of Paul IV (Gian Pietro Caraffa, May, 1555-August, 1559) forms one of the most remarkable chapters in the history of the
Pope Versus Holy Roman Emperor
For a time it seemed as if at Trent, too, the opposing interests would have proved irreconcilable.Continuing The Council of Trent and the