About the same time a renewed effort was made to come to terms with Menelik, and Colonel Piano was sent on a mission to Addis-Ababa.Continuing Italy
Italy Pressures Ethopia
Article 17 the Italian text of the treaty Ethopia’s king appeared to agree to make use of the offices of Italy as an intermediary with other
Italy in Africa 1896
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Italy Establishes its First Base in Africa.IntroductionAfter the
Galileo Versus the Inquisition
Today's installment concludes Galileo's Discoveries,our selection from Pioneers of Science by Sir Oliver Lodge published in 1893. For works
Galileo Discovers Moons of Jupiter
Jupiter, then, had moons like the earth -- four of them in fact! -- and they revolved round him in periods which were soon determined.Continuing
Galileo’s Telescope
Such a thing as Galileo made may now be bought at a toy-shop for I suppose half a crown, and yet what a potentiality lay in that "glazed optic tube,"
Galileo Advocates Copernicus’ Theory
Kepler urged him to publish his arguments in favor of the Copernican theory, but he hesitated for the present, knowing that his declaration would be
Galileo Experiments With Falling Objects
These doctrines of antiquity, which had come down hoary with age, and the discovery of which had reawakened learning and quickened intellectual life,
Galileo’s Discoveries
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: His Birth and Youth.IntroductionWhen the Copernican system of astronomy