Today's installment concludes Arnold of Brescia Versus Saint Bernard,our selection from General History of the Christian Religion and Church by
Second Crusade’s Spiritual Impact
The failure of the Second Crusade was a source of great chagrin to Bernard, who had been so active in setting it in motion.Continuing Arnold of
Papal Reforms
Pope Eugene found there, in the abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, a mighty instrument for operating on the minds of the age.Continuing Arnold of Brescia
Arnold of Brescia Versus Saint Bernard
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Arnold Denounces Clerical Money and Power.IntroductionDuring the first
Masaniello’s Murder and Aftermath
Today's installment concludes Masaniello's Revolt At Naples,our selection from The Carafa of Maddaloni Naples under Spanish Rule by Alfred Von
Danger All Around Naples
The power of the Fisherman of Amalfi was at its height; but already he was near his ruin.Continuing Masaniello's Revolt At Naples,our selection
Celebration of Peace
The articles of the treaty were confirmed, and their publication was to take place two days afterward.Continuing Masaniello's Revolt At Naples,our
Naples Charter Restored
At length on Thursday, July 11th, on the fifth day of the insurrection, an agreement was concluded.Continuing Masaniello's Revolt At Naples,our
Masaniello Organizes the Revolt
Masaniello now placed himself at the head of this troop of people, and marched with them in procession through the town.Continuing Masaniello's