Introducing Turkish Threat on Europe Finally Vanquished,serialized in two easy 5-minute installments.This struggle marked the disastrous end of a
Germany Decimated
Today's installment concludes The Thirty Years War,the name of our combined selection from Samuel R. Gardiner and Charles F. Horne. The concluding
Sweden Attacks
All Europe had grown afraid of the tremendous and increasing power of the Hapsburg Emperor.Continuing The Thirty Years War,our selection from The
The Empire Strikes Back
Modern justice can find little to choose thereafter between the methods of the opposing armies.Continuing The Thirty Years War,our selection from
Bohemia Revolts
There were tumults, uprisings, and on May 23, 1618, a party of angry citizens of Prague burst into the council hall, seized Slavata and Martinitz, the
The Thirty Years War
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Focus on Prague.IntroductionThe war combined a great struggle between
Establishing the Hapsburg Dynasty in Austria
Today's installment concludes Hapsburg Dynasty Founded,our selection from History of the House of Austria. by William Coxe published in 1807. For
Ottocar Defeated and Killed
Then that magnanimous monarch lost his life at the same time with the victory, and was overthrown, not by our power and strength, but by the right
Ottocar Attacks Again
All the family of King Rudolph ran to confessors, arranged their affairs, forgave their enemies, and received the communion, for a mortal danger