This series has three easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Turks Besiege Athens.IntroductionLepanto and Navarino were two battles
Lord Byron and the Greek War of Independence
This series has six easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: The Greek Revolt Begins.IntroductionEurope, in the first quarter of the
Herodotus on Ancient Libya
. . . but in fact the army was being sent out (as I believe) for the purpose of subduing Libya: for of the Libyans there are many nations of nations
Libyans Repulse Greek Invaders
To free himself from the oath, he tied the girl on each side with ropes and let her down into the sea, and then drew her up and came to
Expedition to Libya
Oracle tells Greeks that the Gods disapprove of colonizing Libya.Translated by George C. Macaulay -- our special project presenting the complete
Conclusion of Solon Series
Today's installment concludes Solon's Early Greek Legislation,our selection from History of Greece by George Grote published in 1846 For works
Aftermath of Law’s Acceptance
It is much to be regretted that we have no information respecting events in Attica immediately after the Solonian laws and constitution, which were
Solon Travels Abroad
But though the acceptance of the laws was accomplished without difficulty, it was not found so easy either for the people to understand and obey, or
Change of Administrations
. . . the existing government is ranked merely as one of the contending parties. The virtuous citizen is enjoined, not to come forward in its support,