The moment after Sir Robert Peel succeeded in passing his great measure of free trade he himself fell from power.Continuing Corn Laws Repealed in
Famine in Ireland
The Anti-Corn-Law League cried out for the opening of the ports and the admission of grain and food from all places.Continuing Corn Laws Repealed in
Anti-Corn Law League Formed
The League showered pamphlets, tracts, letters, newspapers, all over the country.Continuing Corn Laws Repealed in England,our selection from Epoch
Corn Laws Repealed in England
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Origin of the Corn Laws.IntroductionThe Corn Laws were the most
Tornado Adds to the Destruction in Washington, D.C.
Today's installment concludes British Burns Washington, D.C.,the name of our combined selection from Richard Hildreth and George R. Gleig. The
Tracy’s New York Campaign
The destruction of the Mohawk towns had produced a deep effect.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in Canada by
British Army Enters and Burns the US Capital City
For the inhabitants of Washington, D.C. it was a night of terror.Continuing British Burns Washington, D.C..Today is our final installment from
Battle of Bladensburg
As the British came up, the Baltimore regiment fled also, sweeping off with them General Winder, the President, and the Cabinet officers.Continuing
USA Fumbles Its Forces Defending Washington. DC
The President, Monroe, and Rush, who soon followed, were prevented only by an accidental piece of information from riding straight into Bladensburg,