by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This article The Eight Great Powers of 2017 was published 11 days ago in The
The Cold War
Rise of Communism to control of Russia in 1917 and relations with The West to the end of World War II.The Cold War TV SeriesIntroduction to our
Legacy of the Peasants’ War
These disturbances left a lasting and deep impression on men's minds.Today's installment concludes The Peasants' War in Germany,our selection from
Time of Terror
Those doctors, who had feared neither the Emperor nor the Pope, trembled in the presence of a madman.Continuing The Peasants' War in Germany,our
Revolution Threatens the Holy Roman Empire
An immense revolution was preparing in all the empire.Continuing The Peasants' War in Germany,our selection from History of the Reformation in the
Luther Opposes Revolt
The people were too much excited by the fanatical speeches of the leaders of the insurrection to listen, as of old, to the words of the
Insurrection Begins
The insurrection began in the Black Forest, and near the sources of the Danube, so frequently the theatre of popular commotions.Continuing The
The Peasants’ War in Germany
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Discontent, Political and Religeous.IntroductionBefore the French
The Cavalry Charges In
Marlborough instantly ordered a charge along the line. The allied cavalry galloped forward at the enemy's squadrons, and the hearts of the French