At Worms, however, while the Pope was concluding an alliance with Charles against France, the papal legate Aleander, by commission of the Emperor,
Luther at the Great Debate
Luther, by refusing thus point-blank to retract, effectually destroyed whatever hopes of mediation or reconciliation had been entertained by the
Luther Enters Diet of Worms
Luther was not prepared for this proceeding, and possibly the first sight of the august assembly made him nervous.Continuing Luther Begins the
Emperor Summons Luther to Worms
Never did the most momentous issue in the fortunes of the German nation and church rest so entirely with one man as they did now with the
Luther Condemned
Luther has committed two great faults: he has touched the Pope on his crown and the monks on their bellies." -- ErasmusContinuing Luther Begins the
Luther Breaks From Catholic Church
They therefore had a small gate in the city wall opened in the night, and sent with him an escort well acquainted with the road.Continuing Luther
Diet of Augsburg Meets
Humbly, as he had been advised, he prostrated himself before the representative of the Pope, who received him graciously and bade him
Luther’s Points Are Sensation Throughout Germany
In fourteen days, as he tells us, they ran through the whole of Germany, and were immediately translated and circulated in German.Continuing Luther
Luther Begins the Reformation in Germany
This series has thirteen easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Luther Nails His 95 Points to the Cathedral Door.IntroductionTo the