Man is the last and highest link in nature; his task is to understand what she aims at in him and then to fulfil her intentions.Continuing Goethe
Transition to Mature Philosophy
Goethe, indeed, modified, or at least cleared up, his early views under the influence of a deeper study of nature and the sight of ancient and
Goethe and the Intellectual Revolt of Germany
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Exuberance of His Youth.IntroductionThe latter half of the eighteenth
Paris Surrenders to Bismarck
This is the second half of German Siege of Parisour selection from The Story of France by Charles F. Horne published in 1914.For works
German Siege of Paris
This series has two easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Bismarck’s Dislike of New Republic of France.IntroductionEvents in the
The Russian Front in World War II
This video is episode 1 of 18 of the Russian Front in World War II. This installment is Operation Barbarossa. These videos are given blog status
Poland Destroyed for Now
Today's installment concludes Poland's Downfall,our selection from History of Europe by Sir Archibald Alison published in 1854.If you have
Russia and Prussia Combine to Crush the Revolt
Small as the Polish army was, its maintenance was too great an effort for the resources of the kingdom.Continuing Poland's Downfall,our selection
Poland’s Downfall
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Kosciuszko;s Revolt .IntroductionThat the French Revolution was not