Today's installment concludes Early Science of Radioactivity,the name of our combined selection from Mme. Marie Curie, Sir William Ramsay, and Sir
Radioactivity Science Before Curie
It was Robert Boyle, in his " Skeptical Chymist," who first controverted these ancient and medieval notions, and who gave to the word "element" the
Laval Versus Queylus
A squad of soldiers, commanded, it is said, by the governor himself, went up to Montreal, brought the indignant Queylus to Quebec, and shipped him
How Does Radioactivity Work?
The emission over, and the fragment of the atom gone, the residue is no longer radium, but is something else.Continuing Early Science of
Deducing Sub-Atomic Particles
Atoms of matter are not simple, but complex; each is composed of an aggregate of smaller bodies in a state of rapid interlocked motion, restrained and
Why is Radioactivity Significant?
Many forms of matter can evaporate, and many others emit scent; wherein, then, lies the peculiarity of radioactive substances, if the power of
Radium Leads to Radioactivity
In the theory of atomic transformation the emanation of radium is the first product of disintegration and is transformed in its turn.Continuing
Early Science of Radioactivity
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Ms. Curie on Early Radioactive Research.IntroductionThis is the story
Jansenist Heresy Reaches Canada
The Jansenist doctrines of election and salvation by grace were to the Jesuits an abomination.Previously in The Old Regime In CanadaOur