A violent wind arose; it came from the south, and spread the flames, the smoke, the horror of the immense conflagration in a squall of fire toward the
Government Forces Storm Walls of Paris
From this moment there was war in the streets, but a war without method, without guidance, without a chief, a war without discipline, the struggle of
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 8
We have seen that Laval, when at court, had been invited to choose a governor to his liking.Continuing chapter 7.Our special project
New Reign of Terror Begins in Paris
The guillotine was solemnly burned in front of the statue of Voltaire, but it was replaced by the rifle.Continuing The 1871 Paris Commune,our
Government Flees Paris
After the departure of M. Thiers, General Leflo, Minister of War, insisted on the necessity of complete evacuation.Continuing The 1871 Paris
The 1871 Paris Commune
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: After the Germans Left Paris.IntroductionImmediately following the
The Alleged Murder
In virtue of their new dignity, the accused now claimed exemption from accountability but this was not all.Continuing chapter 7. Previously in The
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 7
Many years before, the company had ceded its monopoly of the fur trade to the inhabitants of the colony.Previously in The Old Regime In
Baron Dubois d’Avaugour New Governor of Canada
He was an old soldier of forty years service, blunt, imperative, and sometimes obstinate to perverseness; but full of energy, and of a probity which