The whole system of administration centered in the king who was supposed to direct the whole machine, from its highest functions to its pettiest
Montreal Sacked
Today's installment concludes The Lachine Massacre,our selection from Histoire du Canada by François Xavier Garneau published in 1848.If you
Machinations of “The Rat”
This artifice, a manifestation of the diabolic nature of its author, had too much of the success intended by it.Continuing The Lachine
The Lachine Massacre
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Dwelling in the Midst of Alarms.IntroductionJust after Count
The Intendant and His Grievances
The luckless intendant was liable to be held to account for the action of natural laws.Our special project presenting the definitive account of
The Government of French Canada
Beyond and above all the regular tribunals, beyond and above the council itself, was the independent jurisdiction lodged in the person of the king’s
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 16
The governor, the intendant, and the supreme council or court, were absolute masters of Canada under the pleasure of the king.Our special
Canadian Feudalism
Most of the contracts between seignior and censitaire had been agreed upon in good faith by men who knew as much of the Coutume de Paris as of the
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 15
With such treatment the weaker sort died but the strong survived, and out of this rugged nursing sprang the hardy Canadian race of bush-rangers and