This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The British Forces Cross the River.IntroductionThe repeated wars between
The Nuns of French Canada
If there are no Canadians canonized by the Catholic Church, it is not due to the exceptional spirituality of some but the remoteness of the region to
Excessive Zeal
I cannot think of this tyranny without cursing the indiscreet zeal of the curé of this town.Our special project presenting the definitive
The Priests of Canada
The patient toils of the missionary curé rest in the obscurity where the best of human virtues are buried from age to age.Our special project
Parkman Vol 4, Chapter 19
Conflicts between church and state in French Canada were in a peculiar way.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in
Imperfect Solution to the Irish Problem
Today's installment concludes Ireland Joined to United Kingdom,our selection from Ireland 1494-1898 by William O'Connor Morris published in
Trade and the Jesuits
The Jesuits entered also into other branches of trade and industry with a vigor and address which the inhabitants of Canada might have emulated with
Terms of the Merging of the Parliaments
The three hundred members of the Irish House of Commons were reduced to one hundred in the imperial House.Continuing Ireland Joined to United
Pitt Rams Union Resolution Through Irish Parliament
Pitt wished to combine the Union with the emancipation of the Irish Catholics.Continuing Ireland Joined to United Kingdom,our selection from