Not only did the Federalists put him aside by degrees, but their faultfinding with his actions and omissions began here and there to partake of the
Hamilton Intervenes
The victory of the Republicans did not by any means produce the revolution in internal politics which was to be expected.Continuing Jefferson's
Jefferson Win Provokes Crisis
No one denied that the majority of the people, as well as the Republican electors, desired to make Jefferson President. After some hesitation his
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
He thought that the crisis of the Constitution had come, and therefore assumed a standpoint from which he could not be forced back to the worthless
The Alien and Sedition Acts
In consequence of the Alien and Sedition laws, Jefferson began to see the question in a different light.Continuing Jefferson's Party Defeats the
Jefferson’s Party Defeats the Federalists
This series has eight easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: John Adams President.IntroductionAmong the political parties which