by Jack Le MoineFrom the latest happenings in things historical. This article Sixty Years On, It Is Clear Suez Was a Missed Opportunity for America
Herodotus on the Peoples of the Sahara
However, the belt extends as far as the Pillars of Heracles and also in the parts outside them.Translated by George C. Macaulay -- our special
Herodotus on Ancient Libya
. . . but in fact the army was being sent out (as I believe) for the purpose of subduing Libya: for of the Libyans there are many nations of nations
Battos’ Career in Africa
Then great numbers were gathered at Kyrene, and the Libyans who dwelt round had much land cut off from their possessions . . . .Translated by
Thus Dies Antony and Cleopatra
Cleopatra was an extraordinary person. At her death she was but thirty-eight years of age. Her power rested not so much on actual beauty as on her
Battle of Actium
Before the close of B.C. 32, Octavian, by the authority of the senate, declared war nominally against Cleopatra. Antony, roused from his sleep by
Antony Chooses Cleopatra; Deserts Wife
For the next three years he surrendered himself absolutely to the will of the enchantress. To this period belong those tales of luxurious indulgence
Octavian Consolidates His Rule
Antony and Octavian renewed their professions of amity, and entered Rome together in joint ovation to celebrate the restoration of peace. They now
Octavian Needs Money
Fulvia, wife of Antony, was a woman of fierce passions and ambitious spirit. She had not been invited to follow her husband to the East.Continuing