On the morrow, Matilda interceded with the Pope on behalf of Henry, and the conditions of the treaty were settled.Continuing Hildebrand's Papal
The Investiture Controversy
Gregory VII summoned a council at the Lateran (1075), which issued a decree against lay investitures.Continuing Hildebrand's Papal Triumph,with a
Hildebrand’s Papal Triumph
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Hildebrand Becomes Pope Gregory VII.IntroductionThe separation of
Parkman End of Volume 2
The Providence of God seemed in their eyes dark and inexplicable; but, from the stand-point of Liberty, that Providence is clear as the sun at
Parkman Vol. 2, Chapter 33
Of the four kindred communities, two at least, the Hurons and the Neutrals, were probably superior in numbers to the Iroquois.Previously in The
The Last of the Hurons
It is a matter of some interest to trace the fortunes of the shattered fragments of a nation once prosperous, and, in its own eyes and those of its
Parkman, Volume 2, Chapter 32
Most of this installment consists of the remainder of Chapter 31. The Jesuits abandon their Huron missions.Previously in The Jesuits in North
Parkman Volume 2, Chapter 31
The Jesuits at St. Joseph knew not what course to take. The doom of their flock seemed inevitable.Previously in The Jesuits in North America in the
Parkman Volume 2, Chapter 30
Towards evening, parties of fugitives reached St. Matthias, with tidings of the catastrophe.Previously in The Jesuits in North America in the