Today's installment concludes End of the Knights Templars,with a short selection from History of Latin Christianity by Henry Hart Milman published
What Happened to the Property of the Knights Templar
The property of the Templars in England was placed under the charge of a commission and the King very soon treated it as if it were his
Knights Templar Extinguished in England
On January 8, 1308, every Templar in lands subject to the King of England was simultaneously arrested.Continuing End of the Knights Templars,with
Head of Knights Templar Executed
On hearing of this, Philip ordered their immediate execution, and the same evening the last grand master of the Temple and his faithful comrades were
King and Pope Conspire to End Knights Templars
Every house of the Templars in the dominions of the King of France was suddenly surrounded by a strong force, and all the Knights and members of the
End of the Knights Templars
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Background of the Knights.IntroductionThe quarrel between Philip the
Canterbury Becomes Center of Catholic Influence
Today's installment concludes Augustine's Missionary Work In England,with a short selection from History of the English People by John R. Green
First Great Synod in England
When they had come to the synod-place, the archbishop Augustine was sitting on his seat.Continuing Augustine's Missionary Work In England,with a
Beginnings of Canterbury Cathedral
. . . in which Ethelbert the King, by his exhortation and advice, ordered to build a church worthy of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and he