A betrothal took place; all was harmony, and for a time no more was said of disinheriting Madame de la Peltrie, or putting her in
Life in Quebec
Yet, on the whole, the labors of the missionaries tended greatly to the benefit of the Indians.Previously in The Jesuits in North America in the
Rome Surrenders
From Garibaldi's brief account, it would almost seem that the Triumvirate and the Assembly surrendered Rome before absolute necessity constrained them
Naples Invades From South
. . . the small forces at the disposal of the Republic should be husbanded for the repulse of others besides France, who claimed to be defenders of
Quebec Around 1640
The total population did not much exceed two hundred, including women and children. Of this number, by far the greater part were agents of the fur
Garibaldi’s Generalship
Garibaldi altered in nothing his South American modes of warfare.Continuing Garibaldi and the Roman Republic,our selection from The Birth of
Assembly Proclaims Roman Republic
But only when it was known that the French Republic had voted an expedition, with the specious object of guaranteeing the independence of the supreme
Garibaldi and the Roman Republic
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Pope Flees Rome.Introduction1848 was the year revolutions spread
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 13
I have had enough of the dark-colored flesh of our enemies," said a young brave; "I wish to know the taste of white meat, and I will eat