Today's installment concludes Christianity Introduced Into Japan,our selection from Review of the Introduction of Christianity into China and Japan
Christianity Outlawed in Japan
The number of Christians in Japan at this time is stated to have been one million eight hundred thousand.Continuing Christianity Introduced Into
Christianity Flourishes in Japan
Christianity was at its most flourishing stage during the first few years of Hideyoshi's administration.Continuing Christianity Introduced Into
Montreal Founded
On the following day, they glided along the green and solitary shores now thronged with the life of a busy city, and landed on the spot which
Christianity Introduced into Japan
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Francis Xavier Arrives in Japan.IntroductionChristianity was hardly the
Montreal Consecrated at Notre Dame in Paris
Henceforth it was to be called Villemarie de Montreal, [8] -- a sacred town, reared to the honor and under the patronage of Christ, St. Joseph, and
Parkman Vol. 2 Chapter 15
One day, while at his devotions, he heard an inward voice commanding him to become to establish, on the island called Montreal, in Canada, a
The Ursuline Nuns
It was three years later before the Ursulines and their pupils took possession of a massive convent of stone, built for them on the site which they
Marie de l’Incarnation
She aspired to that inner circle of the faithful, that aristocracy of devotion, which, while the common herd of Christians are busied with the duties