Among the priests of St. Sulpice at Montreal was the Abbé Salignac de Fénelon, half-brother of the celebrated author of Télémaque. He was a zealous
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 3
A storm was brewing; it was fortunate for the peace of the Canadian Church that the attention of the truculent governor was drawn to other
Parkman Vol. 5, Chapter 2
Frontenac was fifty-two years old when he landed at Quebec. If time had done little to cure his many faults, it had done nothing to weaken the springs
Count and Countess Frontenac
He found it hard to bear the imperious temper of his wife; and he was given the government of Canada to deliver him from her, and afford him some
Battle of Lake Erie Evaluated
Today's installment concludes Battle of Lake Erie,our selection from The Naval War of 1812 by Theodore Roosevelt published in 1882.If you have
US Victory on Lake Erie
The victory of Lake Erie was most important, both in its material results and in its moral effect.Continuing Battle of Lake Erie,our selection
The Two Fleets Close for Battle
As, amid light and rather baffling winds, the American squadron approached the enemy, Perry's straggling line formed an angle of about fifteen degrees
Composition of the Opposing Fleets
The superiority of the Americans in long-gun metal was nearly as three is to two, and in carronade metal greater than two to one.Continuing Battle
The Battle of Lake Erie
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The US Fleet Leaves Port.IntroductionIn the rematch between the United