English attack Quebec; Quebec incapable of defense. Only fifty pounds of gunpowder were left in the magazine; and the fort, owing to the neglect and
English French Colonial Systems Compared
England threw open her colonies to all who wished to enter, -- to the suffering and oppressed, the bold, active, and enterprising. France shut out
Parkman Vol. 1 Part II, Chapter 15
Already at birth, the reasons why France would not, could not succeed in Canada were becoming apparent. Why New France Failed.Our special
Explorers Among the Indians
As we turn the ancient, worm-eaten page which preserves the simple record of his fortunes, a wild and dreary scene rises before the mind . . . .
Parkman Vol. 1 Part II, Chapter 14
By the Indian standard, it was a mighty nation; yet the entire Huron population did not exceed that of a third or fourth class American city. In the
Lake Huron Discovered
. . . from them the voyager learned that the great lake of the Hurons was close at hand. The headline "Lake Huron Discovered" was not for Champlain
Parkman Vol 1 Part II, Chapter 13
"You are a liar." "Which way did you go?" "By what rivers?" "By what lakes?" "Who went with you?" They pursued the truth: Was Champlain
Champlain Reached Niagara Falls
Now, like a wall bristling at the top with woody islets, the Falls of the Chats faced them with the sheer plunge of their sixteen cataracts . . . .
Parkman Vol. 1 Part II, Chapter 12
In Champlain alone was the life of New France. By instinct and temperament he was more impelled to the adventurous toils of exploration than to the