The Iroquois separated into five distinct nations, cantoned from east to west along the centre of New York, in the following order: Mohawks, Oneidas,
Importance of Native American Clan Structure
Through most of North America the structure of the clan formed the basis of their societies. This passage is about Native American clan
The Huron-Iroquois Family of Native Americans
We call of the various communities speaking dialects of the generic tongue of the Iroquois the Huron-Iroquois Family of Indian nations.Our
Huron Form of Native American Medicine
Native American feasts and dances were of various character, social, medical, and mystical or religious. These were an important part of native
The Huron Culture
The Huron Culture had interesting economics, fashion, women's issues, and defenses.Our special project presenting the definitive account of
Daily Life of the Huron Indians
More than 3 and 1/2 centuries have elapsed since the Huron Indians vanished from their ancient seats. Today we stand perplexed and wondering over the
Parkman Volume 2: The Jesuits in North America in the 17th Century
Beginning the new book in Francis Parkman's history of the French in North America. Today's installment: The Indians of Canada.Previously in The
Pioneers of New France Conclusion
This concludes Pioneers of France in the New World by Francis Parkman. The entire book has been presented here. Next book in his series begins next
Parkman Vol. 1 Part II, Chapter 17
It long remained a mystery why Charles I king of England consented to a stipulation which pledged him to resign so important a conquest. So France