The Jesuits, adepts in human nature, had made a sagacious choice when they put forward this conscientious, zealous, dogged, and pugnacious priest to
Laval Versus Queylus
A squad of soldiers, commanded, it is said, by the governor himself, went up to Montreal, brought the indignant Queylus to Quebec, and shipped him
Jansenist Heresy Reaches Canada
The Jansenist doctrines of election and salvation by grace were to the Jesuits an abomination.Previously in The Old Regime In CanadaOur
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 4
With a sword or a hatchet in one hand and a knife in the other, they threw themselves against the throng of enemies.Previously in The Old Regime In
Canada Constitution Adopted
Today's installment concludes Canadian Confederation Established,our selection from Life and Career of Sir John A. MacDonald, G.C.B. by Joseph
Canadian Colonies Debate Unity
Both the Queen and her home government had grown to be enthusiastic supporters of the “new dominion” scheme.Continuing Canadian Confederation
Canadian Confederation Established
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Discontent of Disunion.IntroductionThe demand in Upper Canada for
Daulac’s Bold Sally
Adam Daulac, or Dollard, Sieur des Ormeaux, was a young man of good family, who had come to the colony three years before, at the age of
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 3
Outside the fortifications there was no safety for a moment. A universal terror seized the people.Previously in The Old Regime In CanadaOur