Then that magnanimous monarch lost his life at the same time with the victory, and was overthrown, not by our power and strength, but by the right
Ottocar Attacks Again
All the family of King Rudolph ran to confessors, arranged their affairs, forgave their enemies, and received the communion, for a mortal danger
Rudolph Hapsburg Conquers Austria
Vienna surrendered to him. Then Ottocar sued for peace.Continuing Hapsburg Dynasty Founded,our selection from History of the House of Austria. by
How Ottocar Became so Strong
By these accessions of territory, Ottocar became the most powerful prince of Europe, for his dominions extended from the confines of Bavaria to Raab
Hapsburg Dynasty Founded
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Ottocar Attempts to Reverse Election.IntroductionThe last Hapsburg