On June 8th Victor Emmanuel and Napoleon III made their triumphal entry into Milan -- now freed from the Austrian yoke.Continuing The Second War of
The Second War of Italian Independence
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Cavour’s Diplomatic Maneuvers.IntroductionSince the fall of Rome a
Austrian Military Victory
Pope Pius IX sided with Italians in the war. That made Catholics in Austria and northern countries against him. Military defeat turned Italians
War Against Austria
Pius IX was hardly more fortunate; to him also this fatal war brought dishonor and exile, the loss of the affection of his subjects, and of the
Bismark’s Victory
Today's installment concludes The Austro-Prussian War,our selection from History of Modern Europe by Charles A. Fyffe published in 1890.If you
The Battle of Koeniggraetz
On the 30th the King of Prussia, with General Moltke and Count Bismarck, left Berlin; on July 2d they were at headquarters at Gitschin.Continuing
War Declared
Austria at once demanded and obtained from the Diet of Frankfort the mobilization of the whole of the federal armies.Continuing The Austro-Prussian
The Austro-Prussian War
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Bismark’s Diplomatic Maneuvers.IntroductionThis conflict, called also