Today's installment concludes The Lachine Massacre,our selection from Histoire du Canada by François Xavier Garneau published in 1848.If you
Machinations of “The Rat”
This artifice, a manifestation of the diabolic nature of its author, had too much of the success intended by it.Continuing The Lachine
The Lachine Massacre
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Dwelling in the Midst of Alarms.IntroductionJust after Count
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 12
Important discoveries of iron were made; but three generations were destined to pass before the mines were successfully worked.Our special
Tracy’s New York Campaign
The destruction of the Mohawk towns had produced a deep effect.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in Canada by
The Mohawks Chastised
Anxious to surprise the enemy, they pushed on all night amid the moan and roar of the forest; over slippery logs, tangled roots, and oozy mosses;
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 11
This arctic serenity of the elements was varied at times by heavy snow-storms.Our special project presenting the definitive account of France in
Parkman Vol. 4, Chapter 7
Many years before, the company had ceded its monopoly of the fur trade to the inhabitants of the colony.Previously in The Old Regime In
Baron Dubois d’Avaugour New Governor of Canada
He was an old soldier of forty years service, blunt, imperative, and sometimes obstinate to perverseness; but full of energy, and of a probity which