To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?Today we continue South Secedes from the United Stateswith a selection from Inaugural
Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address
I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual.Today we continue South Secedes from
South Carolina Secedes
When the certain news of Lincoln's election finally came, it was hailed with joy and acclamation by both the leaders and the people of South Carolina.
Secession Planning Before the Election
A caucus of prominent South Carolina leaders is said to have been held on October 25, at the residence of Senator Hammond.Continuing South Secedes
A Covenant With Hell
All this, it must be admitted, was quite consistent with the oft repeated declaration that the Constitution was a “covenant with hell,” which stood as
Results of the 1860 Election
Few, if any, then doubted the right of a State to withdraw its grants delegated to the Federal Government, or, in other words, to secede from the
The Four Candidates
The people of the United States now had four rival tickets presented to them by as many contending parties.Continuing South Secedes from the United
The 1860 Election
Introducing South Secedes from the United States,serialized in nine total installments for 5 minute reading.How did the United States first split
Vicksburg Surrenders
Today's installment concludes Fall of Vicksburg,our selection from A Campaign Life of U. S. Grant by Charles A. Dana and by James H. Wilson