Today's installment concludes Napoleon Crushes Prussia,our selection from Life of Napoleon Bonaparte by Sir Walter Scott published in 1839.If
Total Destruction of the Prussian Army
The total destruction of the Prussian army was followed by the surrender of the fortresses which defend that country, some of them ranking among the
Battle of Jena
The French accounts state that twenty thousand Prussians were killed and taken in the course of this fatal day.Continuing Napoleon Crushes
Napoleon Hooks Prussian King
Still the Prussian monarch, who seems now to have taken the command upon himself, endeavoring to supply the want of professional experience by
Napoleon Gathers His Forces
The French advanced, in three divisions, upon the dislocated and extended disposition of the large but ill-arranged Prussian army.Continuing
King of Prussia’s Proclamation
The united force of the Prussian army, with its auxiliaries, amounted to one hundred fifty thousand men, confident in their own courage, in the rigid
Napoleon Crushes Prussia
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Prussia Prepares for War.IntroductionAusterlitz put an end to the
Napoleon, “Man of Destiny”
Today's installment concludes Napoleon's First Campaign,our selection from Life of Napoleon Bonaparte by Sir Walter Scott published in 1839. For
Napoleon Advances to the Piedmont Capital
Napoleon in the mean time fixed his head-quarters at Ceva, and enjoyed from the heights of Montezemoto the splendid view of the fertile fields of